Passing Out

..... that's Graduation

On the occasion of the Passing out of the 105th, 201st and 304th Entries, as with all previous graduation parades, the parade officers were provided by the Senior Entries.

The complete documentation for our graduation is available by clicking on the picture below, it is an Acrobat PDF file (265KB). If you don't have a reader, you can download one from Adobe by clicking on the small logo at the side of the picture. A precis, showing the pertinent details to the 105th entry appears below.

Air Marshal M.K.D. Porter, CB, CBE, FRAeS, MIEE
Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief Maintenance Command

The reviewing Officer was accompanied by
Air Vice-Marshal B. Robinson, CBE
Air Officer Commanding No. 24 Group

Air Commodore A.C. Deere, DSO, OBE, DFC
Commandant, No. 1 School of Technical Training

Group Captain C.V.G. Usher
Senior Training Officer, No. 1 School of Technical Training

Group Captain H.H. Mayoh, CBE
Principal Education Officer, No. 1 School of Technical Training

Group Captain D.S. Grant
Officer Commanding Medical Training Establishment

Wing Commander D.A. Flint
Officer Commanding Technical Training Wing

Wing Commander W.T. Bussey, MVO, OBE, BEM
Officer Commanding No. 3 Apprentice Wing

Squadron Leader V.A. Gough, AFC
Officer Commanding No.1 Sqn. No.1 Apprentice Wing


The parade is under the command of Flight Sergeant Apprentice D.T. Bills. Other N.C.O. Apprentices are subordinate Commanders. Entries on parade are the 105th, 106th,201st, 202nd and 304th.

Parade Adjutant Sgt. App. T.E. Duggan
Parade Warrant Officer Cpl. App. P.A. Theobald
Colour Bearer Sgt. App. C. Cruse
Colour Warrant Officer Cpl. App. K.A. Bull
Colour Escorts  Cpl. App. A.J. Dear
Cpl. App. R. Collins
Escort Squadron Commander  Sgt. App. I. Sloss
     No.1 Flight Commander Cpl. App. P.V. Lejeune
     No.2 Flight Commander  Cpl. App. D.W. Fisher
No.2 Squadron Commander  Sgt. App. M. Nield
     No.1 Flight Commander Cpl. App. T.F. Newey
     No.2 Flight Commander  Cpl. App. J.M. Ward

 The Brass and Pipe Bands are Voluntary Bands composed entirely of Apprentices


Cadetships have been awarded to:-

Flt. Sgt. App D.T. Bills General Duties Branch
Cpl. App. K.A. Bull General Duties Branch
Sgt. App. T.E. Duggan General Duties Branch
Cpl. App. P.V. Le Jeune General Duties Branch
Ldg. App. L.G. Poulter General Duties Branch
Sgt. App. C. Cruse General Duties Branch
Sgt. App. V.R. Denwood Technical Branch
Sgt. App. I. Sloss Technical Branch
Cpl. App. N.P. Goodwin Technical Branch
Cpl. App. B. Wakely Technical Branch
Cpl. App. D.J. Webb Technical Branch
Cpl. App. E. Pettigrew Equipment Branch


Apprentices selected for commissions are:-

Cpl. App. R. Collins General Duties Branch
Ldg. App. G.P. Brown General Duties Branch
Cpl. App. D.J. Young General Duties Branch
Cpl. App. A.J. Dear General Duties Branch
Cpl. App. E.G. Gill General Duties Branch
Ldg. App. A.A. Timbers General Duties Branch
Cpl. App. D.W. Fisher Technical Branch
Cpl. App. B.J. Nelson Technical Branch
Cpl. App. C.B. McDowell Technical Branch


Highest in order of Merit, All Subjects
Winner:- Sgt. App. V.R. Denwood

Highest in Order of Merit, Educational Subjects
First Prize: Sgt.App. I. Sloss
Second Prize: Sgt. App. V.R. Denwood

Best 'Set Task' General Studies
Cpl. App. C.B. McDowell

Highest in Order of Merit, General Service Efficiency
First Prize: Flt. Sgt. App. D.T. Bills
Second Prize: Sgt.App. I. Sloss

Highest average for practical fitting over three-year course
Winner:- Air. App. J. Hills

Best Tradesmen in Trade Standards trade Test

Airframe Fitter Air. App. R. Hepple
Electrical Fitter(Air) Cpl. App. M.J. Brooks
Engine Fitter Cpl. App. E. Pettigrew
Instrument Fitter(Nav) Air. App. D. Crowe
Dental Technician Ldg. App. C.J. Webb


Monsignor Beauchamp Memorial Prize
The late Monsignor Beauchamp was Principal Roman Catholic Chaplain for the Royal Air Force and for almost 20 years Roman Catholic Chaplain at Halton. On his death a fund was raised to provide among other presentations, a book prize to the best all round Apprentice passing out with each Entry.

Winner:- Sgt. App. V.R Denwood

Pioneer Trophy
Presented by the Royal Flying Corps and Royal Naval Air Service Ex Boys Association to the Apprentice who obtains the highest marks in all technical training subjects at the final examination of each Entry.

Winner :- Cpl. App. M.J. Brooks

Crebbin-Robinson Cup
At the 1936 Model Engineering Exhibition held in london, certain examples of basic exercise carried out by Apprentices at Halton were on display. These exhibits were admired by a Dr. Robinson and a Mr. Crebbin who kindly offered a Cup for the best Trade Standards practical Fitting Test at the Final examinations of each Entry. In December 1960, a second Cup was provided from School Funds. One Cup is now awarded for the best Trade Standards Practical Fitting Test in Mechanical trades and the other for the best Trade Standards Practical Fitting Test in Electrical and Instrument Trades.

Winner:- Mecanical Trades:
Air. App. J. Hills
Winner:- Electrical and Instrument Trades:
Cpl. App. B.J.R. Nelson

Elliott Memorial Prize
Mr. R.D. Elliott was Sir Alan Cobham's ground engineer during his many flights to India and South Africa in the early 1920's. In 1926, Mr. Elliott was killed during the first England to Australia flight. In 1927, a Memorial Prize was awarded by the Royal Aeronautical Society to be presented to the Apprentice who gained the highest marks in English and General Studies at the final examinations of each Entry.

Winner:-Ldg. App. L.G. Poulter

Quinton Memorial Trophy
On 13th August, 1951, Flight Lieutenant J.A. Quinton sacrificed his life in saving an A.T.C. cadet when both were flying in an aircraft which was involved in a mid-air collision. For this supreme act of gallantry, Flight Lieutenant Quinton was posthumously awarded the 'George Cross'. As a mark of esteem all A.T.C. Cadets at that time subscribed one penny per head so that the Quinton Memorial trophy and replica could be presented to the best all round ex-A.T.C. Cadet passing out with each Entry at Halton.

Winner:- Sgt. App. V.R. Denwood